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Pre-K Curriculum Kit

The Michigan Model for Early Childhood HealthTM (MMECH) (Pre-K) activity module offers early childhood educators a resource that contains a set of age-appropriate, health activities. Establishing positive health habits at a young age increases the likelihood that a healthy lifestyle will be maintained throughout life.

A strong foundation for the Michigan Model for HealthTM (MMH) K-12 curriculum is provided when the early childhood module activities are implemented with suggested classroom activities and connected to children's real-life experiences. The MMECH module emphasizes family involvement and provides a building block to effective skills-based health instruction.

The MMECH Pre-K curriculum is packaged as a kit and includes the following four units:
  • Social & Emotional Health Unit targets these concepts and skills: identifying feelings in self and others, recognizing personal space, problem solving, belonging to a family, understanding the qualities of friendship, and using mealtime manners at school.
  • Physical Activity and Nutrition Unit contains activities covering: a balanced diet, trying new foods, the importance of drinking water, and the importance of physical movement.
  • Safety Unit addresses safety at school and home, in the car and in the neighborhood or outside environment.
  • Personal Health & Wellness Unit contains activities on proper tooth care and handwashing as well as exploring the concept of germs and preventing the spread of germs when coughing, sneezing and blowing noses. The procedure of using the bathroom at school is also emphasized.

Quantity Price
1 $229.00


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